woke up at about 4:30. too hot. decided to catch up on computer. struggled with the keyboard. couldn't get it to connect. finally realized that the brand new batteries i put in were dead.
got batteries from a diffferent package and all was well.
75 deg at 6:00 am. going to be hot again.
last summer we probably ran the ac a total of 3-4 weeks over the whole summer. this year, we've already been running it for about 4 wks consecutively.
hot tea
iced tea
drove e to the vre. did not feel well on the way back. had to stop at chik-fil-a and use the bathroom. bought an iced tea. hoped it would settle my stomach.
sick again as soon as i got home. very odd though. i felt intensely ill for two brief intervals but as soon as the 2nd one passed, i felt ok. i think i may have just been having a reaction to the heat.
the guy came to service the ac at 10:30. he was a little early but that was fine. usually they say between 12 and 4 and the guy arrives at 3:48. nice guy. didn't try to sell any extras.
bologna and cheese sandwich
tortilla chips
iced tea
feeling fine at this point. strange. staying in the cool.
got to the vre about 5 min late this afternoon. need to remember to leave by 5:55 at latest.
blt sandwiches (2)
potato salad
iced tea
seems like a blt is just the right thing on a hot day.
we watched a lovejoy episode after dinner. last one on the dvd ok episode. always seems odd that lovejoy never learns. in this episode he takes a loan (from a loan shark) using the house he bought for his daughter as security. i still miss lady jane.
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