up at 5:10 am for concall. found a note that one of the participants had to cancel. rescheduled for monday.
bagel w/ butter
iced tea
E arranged to work from home today because of the predicted storm so we didn't go to the VRE.
snow started at about 9:15 with a light fall. by noon the streets looked pretty slick because it is a wet snow. much different than the December snow.
ham, bologna, provolone on a bagel
iced tea
yogurt was not very good. i've come to the point when Breyer's fruit on the bottom is just TOO sweet.
took a break at about 4:00 to watch the last few episodes on the season 10 disk of the Simpsons. The drawing seems a great deal more sophisticated by the 10th season.
turkey reubens
iced tea
pretty good.
snow was falling at a pretty high rate by evening.
i saw the finale of True Grit just before I went to bed. I'd have to say that I hadn't seen T.G. in at least 30 yrs. The final shoot out between John Wayne and Duval and his henchman takes place on one of the most beautiful fall days you could imagine. It looks like perfect football weather.
I first saw True Grit when I was about 10. At that time the violent scenes in the movie seemed REALLY violent. Seeing it now they looked rather tame. All in all, I found it refreshing to see a movie where the characters speak in complete sentences and where even the most violent outlaws parlay before they resort to violence.
looked out the front door on the way to bed. It already looked like we had as much snow as we did in the December storm.
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