woke up at 4:30 this morning. suddenly wide awake. i read a few pages of Seymour: An Introduction. decided to get something to eat.
in the high 30s when i woke up. v cold after what we've gotten used to.
early breakfast (5:00 am)
bagel w/ butter
oj (tiny bit)
iced tea
i watched two episodes of Andy Griffith from the 5th season. an earnest t. bass episode and an episode about bea and andy inviting kin to stay for a week. sort of run of the mill episodes.
watched War with Jet Li and Jason Statham in bits and pieces over the morning. i was disappointed. really wanted to see a brawl between Li and Statham. they had a showdown at the end but it wasn't a great moment in martial arts film making. i saw another movie a few years ago that had a similar plot. can't remember the name. i guess War reminded me of The Replacement Killers but TRK was a much better movie.
late breakfast
chicken fajita burrito
at Chipotle. I saw an incredibly beautiful woman at Chipotle. When she left all of the men watched her go but I also noticed that about half of the women were watching.
caramel macchiato
apple fritter
at Starbucks
shepherd's pie
steamed broc and carrots
iced tea
quite good. Elizabeth bought the shepherd's pie and a store in Leesburg. as far as i could tell it was not peppered with actual shepherd.
bowl of cereal w/ milk
we watched Jurassic Park after dinner. i couldn't remember the last time i saw that movie. i love the scene where the two kids get back to the center and find the food laid out for them.
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