earth day. 40th instance, i think.
woke up at 4 this morning. don't know why. couldn't seem to go back to sleep. i watched an episode of Star Trek.
early breakfast
bowl of cereal w/ milk
iced tea
finally sleepy after Star Trek. 30 min nap.
late breakfast
iced tea
drove Elizabeth to VRE. v foggy!
the mowing guys arrived at the house just as i was going to Walmart to get Karma's meds. they had a large zero-turn radius mower (really big, golf couse size) and smaller mower (still bigger than our lawn tractor).
had to wait most of an hour for the prescription to be filled. the insulin cost over $100 because cat meds aren't covered by our prescription plan, of course. I just didn't realize how much money the prescription plan was saving us. ouch! it looks like the prescription will last about 6 wks so it works out to $75 per month. ouch but not as bad an ouch.
swiss and mushroom omelette
sausage (2)
hash browns
iced tea
at Frost Diner. felt so depressed after seeing the cost of the prescription that i really wanted comfort food. always like breakfast at the Frost when I can get it.
someone is working on the Ocean Cafe. it has been painted and it looks like some of the windows have been replaced. the lady at the Frost said she heard it was going to be a Mexican restaurant if they can get all of the permits.
the yard looked great when i got home. wish we could afford to have it done professionally all of the time. the guy told me it took less than an hour for two guys to cut the grass. it usually takes me between 2.5 and 3.
picked up Elizabeth at the VRE at 6:19. felt really ill. E drove home.
better after a tiny nap and some sinus meds.
chili dogs (2)
iced tea
really felt like a coke with the chili dogs.
Lovejoy after dinner. we are about mid-way through season 5. Lady Jane has been gone since the end of season 4. Eric just quit to go work at his uncle's pub. i like some of the new characters but i miss Lady Jane Felsham.
went to bed very early. asleep by 10:00. woke up at 1:00 and felt like i'd been in bed for hours. read for 20 minutes and back to bed.
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