23 April 2010

23 apr 2010

woke up at 4:30 again today. quite awake.


iced tea

at 5:00 am. I watched 2 episodes of big bang theory in the am.

fed Karma and gave her her shot around 6:00. it was easier today than yesterday.


bagel w/ butter
iced tea

used the new toaster oven. it toasted pretty well. not nearly as simple as a toaster, though.

watched an episode of ST: TOS during breakfast. trying to finish season 3 so I can give it back to Scott on Mother's Day. why are Kirk and Spock (and Bones) always part of the away team. you would think policy would prevent both the commanding officer and the 2nd in command to be on away teams together.


pastrami, corned beef, and swiss sandwich
iced tea


handful of m&ms

stopped work at about 3. feeling v ill. stretched out on the couch and watched big bang theory. drank a club soda. felt somewhat better.


rotiserie chicken
potato salad
steamed broc.
iced tea

chicken and salad from Harris Teeter. both tasty.

we watched an episode of Cranford after dinner. part 4 of 5. yet another good episode.

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