07 September 2011

7 september 2011 (w)

2220 / 72 deg f / cloudy

i got up at 6:10. still running the bipap when i woke up. throat was very dry but i slept pretty well.


bagel w/ cream cheese
iced tea

pouring rain in the morning. elizabeth was ready to go in good time. we made it to the vre with a tiny bit of time to spare. train actually left a bit early according to my watch. i gave a guy who had missed the train a ride back to his car. he was able to connect with another person who had missed the train so they could ride in to dc together so that worked out well.

went to planet fitness after the vre. good work out. not too crowded today.


sausage biscuit
iced tea

at arby's. i was starving for some reason. it was actually chilly when i left the gym.

got bogged down in the morning. did get on the way to rappahannock until after noon. got to the ch at almost 1:30. nice chat with the ladies there. actually spent less than an hour. long trip for almost no dough. last trip to that ch.

i had planned to stop at bloom and the library on the way home but realized that i had forgotten my wallet. dang.


two hot dogs
iced tea

did not agree with the old tummy.

worked in the afternoon. bad headache, though.

elizabeth caught a later train. tons of work!

feeling very head-achy and unwell when the train got in.

stopped at chick-fil-a on the way home. felt better after some tea and a bite.


spicy chicken
fries (large, split with e.)
iced tea

when we got home we found max dugan on one of the cable channels. we've been wanting to see that so we watched the last half or so. pretty good movie. very neil simon. eye exam tomorrow. fauquier on friday. wegmans on saturday.

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