30 September 2010

30 sep. 2010 (th)

poring rain overnight. rain blowing in the bedroom window. very cold. had to close up. hit the snooze from 5:00 to 5:40. got up at 5:45.


bagel w/ cream cheese
apple juice
iced tea

drove e to the vre in the rain. really raining hard off and on. vre lot was actually pretty empty esp. for a thursday. got there with about 5 mins. to spare even though traffic was pretty slow.

watched about half of date night at breakfast.

went to planet fitness after vre. treadmill. weights, bike. very quiet today. managed to finish the programs today.

watched the end of date night when i got home. enjoyable movie. could have done without the tina fey/steve ferrel strip scene in the night club.

pouring rain off and on. weather forecast keeps saying its about to stop but it just keeps going.


bagel w/ cream cheese
pasta salad
cole slaw
iced tea

i watched a couple of episodes of corner gas at lunch. listened to part of broadway danny rose while doing dishes and laundry.

trains very much delayed on vre. e to call when train gets to manassas park. trains are taking as much as two hours to get from alexandria to broad run.

incredible rain on the way to the station. so dark. so hard to see.


clam chowder (cup)
iced tea

at red robin.

didn't get home until nearly 10. still raining heavily.

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