31 March 2012

30 march 2012 (f)

1256 / 50 deg f / overcast

28th anniversary. we got married on a friday and the weather was very similar to today. hard to believe that was 28 years ago. wish we could go to the magic pan for dinner.

woke up at 5:30 with the alarm. hit snooze instead of off when i got up so the alarm was going off when i got out of the shower and i had to run across the room to cut it off. i kept thinking of

carol todd: "you got the floor wet!"
victoria grant: "bitch, bitch, bitch!"


bagel w/ butter
c boost
iced tea

i did the cat dishes and fed karma and gave her a shot in the morning. i was running ahead of schedule until i realized that i was late. got to the vre with a few minutes to spare.

train was pretty empty. nice thing on a friday.

i stopped at trader joe's on the way from the metro looking for tylenol. bad headache. they don't sell meds. i got an orange juice and went to work.




bacon cheeseburger
dr. pepper

quite good but too much food!

written on 31 march

left work at about 5:00. busy on the metro. fairly quite on the vre.

met elizabeth at bertucci's after work to celebrate our wedding anniversary.


pasta alfredo with asparagus
chicken parmesan
pasta and sausage
roasted veggies
cheese cake
iced tea

tons of food. brought about half of it home. very good.

we haven't been out to dinner twice in one week in many years. it was a little overwhelming. 

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