06 June 2013

5 june 2013 (w)

written on 6 june at cq press

woke up before the alarm. felt ok.


iced tea

drove the betty mobile to work so she could take the vw for the day. barely fit. no problems on the way to work, though.

second breakfast

egg sandwich
japanese tea

from the uptowner

busy with missing sk books and cetera most of the day.


chicken wrap
pop corn
iced tea

not very good.

train got stopped for a while on the way home. i think i fell asleep for a bit.

went to get groceries after work. tough time getting in and out of the car. really wrenched my shoulder at one point.


asian tofu
spring roll
slice of pizza
japanese tea

at wegmans. continued shopping at h-t.

dead tired when i got home.

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