07 August 2013

7 august 2013 (w)

1416 / 81 deg f / cloudy / at cq press

moving day today. wanted to sleep in but thought i'd better not.


granola bar
club soda

caught the train in plenty of time. got a seat to myself. stopped at cosmo cafe for bathroom break and 2nd breakfast:

bagel sandwich
iced tea

got to work around 8:15. very hot. did not feel well.

john shaw is in the office this week. we all met for breakfast to see him and chat


cheese danish
part of bagel

got everything packed.


breakfast for lunch
   poached egg with salmon
   french toast

have to leave at 3:00 today to facilitate the move. i'm all packed.

written on 8 august 

left the office at 3:00. caught the 3:45 train. train was moderately crowded. huge scrum at l'enfant because navy yard station was closed. shuttles running from l'enfant to navy yard.

felt pretty poorly on the train. felt worse as time went by.

stopped at tfb thinking i could change my coins. turns out they close at 4:00 on wednesday. thought about going to caribou but was not feeling groovy. went to arby's for a soda and a milk shake. shake machine was down so i just got a dr. pepper. that helped a bit.

got home around 5:30. thought i'd feed the cat and do some dishes and start some laundry. went upstairs and threw up instead. felt quite ill. stretched out on the bed. woke up at almost 8:00. felt much better.


veg. burger
iced tea

watched an ncis (one we'd already seen). bed fairly early.

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