23 May 2010

23 may 2010

woke up at 20 of six and realized that i was late to feed the cat. as i was getting dressed karma came in to petition for breakfast. she's now gotten used to eating at 5:30! Elizabeth came down just a little after i did so Karma ended up getting her shot at about 6:00.

Elizabeth went back to bed


iced tea

i watched an episode of ST:TOS called The Cloud Minders. not bad. cheesiest floating city ever. Droxine (Diana Ewing) may the the sexiest Trek babe of all.


spring rolls (2)
fried rice
lo mein
general tso's chicken
iced tea

from the food bar at Wegmans

made the mistake of going to the grocery store on Sunday. insane.

thousands of dishes to clean today. lots of stuff came out of the fridge in tupperware etc. didn't think i'd ever finish the dishes


bagel w/ butter
iced tea

i watched The Savage Curtain on ST:TOS tonight. Kirk and Spock team up with Honest Abe Lincoln and the father of Vulcan rationalism to fight Genghis Khan and three invented villains from history. Very talky episode. Terrible title. The rock person who orchestrated the whole thing looked surprisingly like Pizza the Hut from Space Balls. Talk about writing yourself into a corner. Perhaps the most unsatisfactory episode of all. By the same token, it was pretty entertaining. The guys who played Lincoln and the ancient Vulcan did quite nicely. The villains sucked pretty profusely esp. the Col. who was supposed to have led a chemical or biological war.

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