10 August 2012

9 august 2012 (th)

written on 10 august

very stiff, very sore in the morning. not sure way. like uncle joe until the afternoon.


bagel w/ butter
iced tea

decided to find the food court near the l'enfant metro. it is down the block and to the left of the constitution place entrance to the station. has a starbucks, a mcdonalds, and an au bon pain. the rest room is about eight thousand miles out of your way. good to know where it is, though.


cheese danish

at au bon pain

good danish. not so good coffee.

arrived at work around 8:30.

one on one at 10:00. disc assessment from noon to 1:30. lots of tough books today. didn't make a lot of progress. nice chat with lorna, though.


dr. pepper

always seem to like bulgogi. the soy. the ginger. used to get a great bulgogi sub at olley's trolley in arlington.

left the office at around 4:30. wondered if i'd be able to catch the 5:11. train stopped at the platform at federal triangle for 5-7 minutes with no explanation. hustled out of l'enfant when i finally got there and arrived at the vre platform with the train. great timing for once.

stopped at target on the way home to buy a new phone. i know have all of the pieces. just have to activate the phone.


greek omelette
iced tea

pretty good.

crashed on the couch watching the olympics. woke up at 11:30 to do some dishes. went up to bed then. fell asleep right away and did not stir until the alarm went off. unusual!

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