24 November 2009

breakfast (11.24)

I woke up at 6:00 this morning and tried to contact a client in Kolkata. He wasn't available on Skype so I could only send an email.

I felt rather quesy when I woke up. I was thinking about having eggs for breakfast but my innards balked at that idea. I decided to keep it simple.

iced tea

I had coffee later after the cereal and the tea settled my stomach.

I have to put in my two cents for ultra-pasteurized milk. In my experience most brands of organic milk are ultra-pasteurized. Richfood milk is not organic but it is ultra-pasteurized. In this area you can get it at Shopper's Food Warehouse. I usually buy whichever organic milk is on sale. UP milk tastes like fresh milk from the day you open the package to the day you finish the package. The use by dates are usually 4-6 weeks from the purchase date so you almost never have UP milk go bad. The milk I bought today had a Jan. expire date.

Elizabeth and I are not heavy milk users. We use a half gallon in about a week. Given that I always drink whole milk. I don't like 2%. I don't like 1%. I don't like skim. In fact, I hate skim. Skim milk tastes like polluted water. I don't mind rice milk and soy milk and so on but they don't taste like milk. They taste like something that works something like milk. If I went through a lot of milk in a day I would probably try to make the change over to soy milk or something like that. Since I don't I haven't tried to change my habits.

I've heard that raw milk (unpasteurized, unhomogenized milk) is really the best milk. I'd like to try it one day but I can't see my self going to the effort of procuring raw milk on a regular basis.When daddy was a boy they delivered raw milk to your house. He used to talk about how the cream layer would freeze in the bottle in the winter and the kids would try to lick the natural ice cream before the parents could get the milk and mix the cream in.

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