20 November 2009

meals (11.19)

It has been ages since I've done a weigh in. I'm now afraid to get on the scale. I've got to make a point of doing it in the next day or two.


iced tea

I was way overdue for an oil change so I took the car in after dropping E off at the VRE. I dropped the car title in the safe deposit and then went to the Goodyear. I left the car off at about 10:30. I had a 2nd breakfast or early lunch at the IHOP at about 11:15.


spinach, mushroom, and swiss omelette
hash browns
iced tea

the omelette was ok but it had swiss cheese and a cheese sauce I almost never like a cheese sauce.

I got my hair cut at this point. It took about 35 minutes since I didn't have to wait long. The lady who cut my hair was one of those people who is very impressed with all of her own stories.I guess she was nice enough but I imagined she'd be pretty tiresome to live with.


caramel brulee latte (grande)

at Starbucks. The caramel brulee latte is a holiday offering. I liked it. Think I'll just have a tall next time.

I got a few groceries on the way home.


crusty bread
iced tea

We watched an episode of ST:TNG called Man of the People. Pretty good episode The basic premise was very similar to another Counselor Troi show from the season before.

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