07 November 2009

breakfast (11.7)

basically a quarter of November is gone and I've hardly lifted my head off of the pillow. They say nothing can go faster than the speed of light but I'm starting to think that time can.

bowl of cere-bill*
tomato juice
iced tea

* why does it always have to be cere-al? why not cere-bill or cere-sara or cere-nadine?

** many moons ago there was a "viral" email that was a phonetically rendered transcript of a U.S. businessman ordering breakfast from room service in Malaysia or Singapore or some such. When the hotel guest asks for "bacon", the room service operator asks "bacom crees." (that is, bacon crisp). Among the many humorous differences in pronunciation is that the room service waiter calls "coffee" "choppy". my spouse and i have been calling coffee choppy in the 10 or 12 yrs since seeing that email.

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