25 September 2009

breakfast (9.25)

i woke up at about 4:30 in the ack emma on the floor. i believe i fell i threw myself out of the bed. my rt elbow, knee, hip have been sore all day.

i woke up again at about 5:30 and thought i would just watch a movie and then get up. i watched about 90% of an episode of House ("Not Cancer" from season 5) and fell asleep at some point. woke up in the desk chair at 10:00 ack emma.

(interrupted yet again by the g..d. anti-virus. i am not certain that the prophylaxis for computer viruses is not worse than the g.d. viruses. in any case, virus creators should be treated like Michael Vick. if the could find something else to do with their time we wouldn't have to deal with this picayune shit. i guess it's kind of neat to think that must people who create viruses probably have anti-virus software on their computers.)


cereal and milk
iced tea

i had raisin bran crunch today mixed with bran cereal. hadn't tried the crunch version before. very tasty.

i was also certain that today was saturday. wasn't till i woke up at 10 that i realized it was friday.

with regard to House, one of the foundations of the show is that House is an insenstive ass. in the fifth season he is such a god-awful piece of shit that i find the show difficult to watch. and the idea of wacky old House watching TV or playing video games where he shouldn't oughta has been beaten to death. please god let him take an interest in bird watching. i don't know if i can stand another scene where Cuddy confronts House in the room with a comatose patient.

by the way, how does anyone survive the medical bills house generates? the could probably solve the health care crisis by taking away House's medical license. i love it when he tells his minions to "rerun" an $9,400 battery of tests. puh-leeze.

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