10 November 2010

10 nov. 2010 (w)

Claire's anniversary. 16th.

I woke up at about 5 in the morning. I felt pretty rested so I decided to get up. Did some stretching. I got downstairs around 5:30.


bagel thin w/ butter
apple cider
iced tea

pretty good. started watching manon of the spring during breakfast. the woman playing manon is very good looking.

we got to the vre on time today.

started my leaf mulching adventure at around 10:30. went to get gas for the mower.

couldn't get the mower started in the shed. rolled it out to the driveway in the sun and waited 20 minutes. no luck moved it to a sunnier spot.


chicken (2 pc)
rolls (2)
mac and cheese
iced tea

from the shell station. chicken good but VERY salty. rolls good. mac and cheese terrible.

took three more shots at started the mower. gave up for today and went to the grocery store.


pasta and sauce
italian bread
iced tea

free meal from Wegmans. pretty good. i liked the bread best.



E and I watched No Reservations. I watched about the first 2/3s then went to bed. I watched the end and then watched the end of Manon.

concall in the am.

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