16 November 2010

15 nov. 2010 (m)

woke up about 4 times during the night. kept waking up with no blankets on. very cold.

woke up at 6:00. debated about getting up. alarm went off at 7:30. got up. went down at 7:45.


bagel w/ cream cheese
iced tea
apple cider

got lots done between 8:30 and 12:30


tomato soup
potato salad
iced tea


tuna wraps (2)
iced tea

excellent tuna, excellent salad. i should have had just one wrap.

we watched the last episode of clouds of witness.

went to the sleep center at about 8:30 for my sleep study. bed was very comfortable. tech did a very good job. odd sleeping in a different bed without checking into a hotel or anything like that. hard to really feel comfortable with all of the gizmos attached. not a bad night's sleep, though. now i have to follow up on the results next week.

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