24 January 2011

24 jan 2011 (m)

emergency heat has been running for ages. throat is terribly dry. shoulder aches. too cold to go downstairs yet.

got up at 4:50. at 5:10 the temp is 6. jeez.


iced tea

when i last drove the car i knew i needed gas but the est. mileage remaining was 25 mi. got in the car this am to take elizabeth to the vre and the est. was reading 0 mi. it was reading 5 by the time we got to rt. 29. had to get gas before going to the train. dumb!!!!! got gas and took e. to the metro. i never went out on  the weekend because i didn't feel well. i assumed i'd get gas on the weekend. i felt really stupid!

2nd breakfast

breakfast burrito
iced tea

at anita's.

stopped at wegmans on the way home and got some stuff that has run out.


hard salami and cream cheese on a bagel
iced tea

watched an episode of corner gas at lunch

watched iron man while doing dishes.


grilled ham and cheese sandwich
veg. soup
iced tea

very sleepy in the evening. not feeling well. sore throat, headache.

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